Edible Book Contest

Julie Reinhardt was kind enough to pass the word along:

Calling all cooks and writers! I just discovered this via Twitter. There is an edible book contest by the Seattle Edible Book Festival. Last year’s winner was Goodnight Moon Pie. You can see a picture on Edible Seattle’s facebook page.

Deadline is in a week! Register by April 8. The event is on April 10. Get your creative hat on and make your version of…

-The Secret Life of Peas
-The Lion, The Witch, and the Rhubarb
-Jane Pear

OK, those were just off the top of my head. I’m sure you can think of something much, much better.

I dunno. I’d eat Jane Pear. But nothing named Raw Chester. Eww. Visit Julie’s blog for a link to entry info.

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