Mentor a student

The following comes from a student who’s looking for a mentor:

Dear Writers,

Hello, my name is Shayla Smith and I am currently a senior at Everett High School. As a graduation requirement we must complete a project that relates to something we want to pursue in the future. I personally have always loved writing and so for my project I wanted to write a children’s picture book story. I need a mentor for the project and I was wondering if any SCBWI authors would be interested in helping me. To be my mentor there are a few things you would need to do. First you would need to fill out an Everett Public Schools volunteer form, which I could e-mail to you. I have an idea for the story already so all I would really need is for you to read a couple drafts of the story and give me some comments and feedbacks that I could use to improve the story and whatnot. At the end I believe there is also a mentor feedback form you would need to fill out and I would need to interview you as a source for the project. So, thank you for reading this. It would just be awesome to have an author as my mentor. Please contact my librarian, Ms. Payne, at dpayne AT if you are interested in mentoring me. She will forward the message to me.

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