Katherine Grace Bond (who recently got an agent–congratulations!) has put together a terrific writing workshop to raise money for a music program.
Here are the details:
Call & Response: An All-Day Event for Writers & Dreamers
Saturday, March 27 from 9:30-4:00 in Monroe, $25!
Who: Janet Lee Carey, Margaret D. Smith, Molly Blaisdell, Katherine Grace Bond, Heidi Pettit, Dawn Knight
What: Sessions in Fiction Writing, Journaling, Songwriting, Writing for Children, Writing Your Life, and Creative Process Groups
Where: Monroe Community Chapel, 23515 Old Owen Road, Monroe, WA 98272
When: Saturday, March 27 9:30-4:00
How Much: $25 (Additional donations welcome. Checks payable to Monroe Community Chapel)
To Register: [email protected] (please send the registration form below)
Here’s an article about One A-Chord in the Monroe Monitor. Scroll down to “School of Shrock”
Workshop Registration for all classes
Birthdate ________________
Parent/Guardian Names _________________________________
Phone _______________________cell______________________________
Emergency Contact____________________________Phone_________________
Medical Conditions___________________________________________
Medications needed during camp/workshop___________________________________
Other pertinent information_________________________________________
How did you hear about us?__________________________________________
Session choices (pick 3):
___Fiction Writing
___Writing for Children
___Writing Your Life
___Creative Process Groups
If under 18:
I give my permission for my child, ____________________ to attend a writing workshop with Katherine Grace Bond. Portions of the course may be held outdoors on or off the workshop site. I understand that Katherine Bond will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe environment, although I am fully aware of the special dangers and risks inherent in participating in the activity. These could include physical injury, death and other consequences arising or resulting from the activity.
In the event of an accident or illness, I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact me, the parent immediately. However, if I am unavailable, I authorize Katherine Bond to secure emergency medical care as needed.
(Parent signature)
For “Call & Response,” send check payable to Monroe Community Chapel to:
Robin Hilt
Monroe Community Chapel
23515 Old Owen Rd.
Monroe, WA 98272
Thanks, Martha! Hope to see lots of fellow SCBWI'ers there!