Blogging workshop in Seattle

Lisa Owens sent word along about this workshop:

The Editorial Freelancers Association is pleased to invite you to its upcoming blogging workshop in Seattle:

Blogging Basics
Saturday, March 20, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave, Level 4 – PACCAR Room 6
Fees: EFA Members $99 — Nonmembers $124

Is your creative spark threatening to go out? Is your freelance business slow? A blog can help you revive them both. Blogging is a free, fun way to get your name out there to a potential audience of millions, and in this 4-hour class you’ll learn everything you need to know to start your own blog in 5 minutes or less. First we’ll look at the “big picture” of blogging, including how it fits into the context of other social networking media like Facebook and Twitter. Then we’ll proceed to the nuts and bolts of how to set one up, how to promote it, and yes — even how to make a little money from it. Laptops are welcome but not required.

Instructor Rebecca Agiewich is the author of BreakupBabe: A Novel (Ballantine Books, 2006), which sprang from her dating blog “Breakup Babe” and was a finalist for the 2007 Lulu Blooker prize — a literary prize for books based on blogs. She is also a writing coach, freelance editor, and journalist, whose travel writing can be found in places like the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Alaska Airlines Magazine. You can find out more about Rebecca at

For access to EFA’s secure online registration system, please visit our course catalog page.

Feel free to share this notice with interested friends and colleagues, and please send any questions about the event to Lisa Owens at lisa AT

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