Be one of the first to own The Can Man

Craig Orback illustrated this beauty, and he writes: “I have received copies of my picture book THE CAN MAN! (Written by Laura E, Williams, Lee & Low Books) It is officially released next month. Here is a description of the story:

“Money is tight, and Tim’s family cannot afford to buy him a skateboard for his birthday. Watching a local homeless man called The Can Man collect empty soft drink cans gives Tim an idea. He will collect cans too, and cash them in for the redemption money. Soon Tim has reached his goal–until a couple of chance encounters with The Can Man change everything. Told with honesty and respect, this timely story shines a perceptive light on current social concerns. Readers will be encouraged to think beyond themselves and celebrate the simple acts of kindness and sharing that make a difference in people’s lives.

“If you would like to purchase a signed copy from me send me an email to [email protected]. I charge $20 which includes shipping and taxes! I will have some events coming up this spring in the Puget Sound area so please visit my blog in the future to learn more.”

(And check out the Chinook Update and the calendar on the left, because we’ll list those events, too.)

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