Having received some of these myself, I LOVED this collection:
Jorge Luis Borges
‘utterly untranslatable’
Isaac Bashevis Singer
‘It’s Poland and the rich Jews again.’
Anais Nin
‘There is no commercial advantage in acquiring her, and, in my opinion, no artistic.’
Jack Kerouac
‘His frenetic and scrambled prose perfectly express the feverish travels of the Beat Generation. But is that enough? I don’t think so.’
Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D H Lawrence
‘for your own sake do not publish this book.’
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
‘an irresponsible holiday story’
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
‘an absurd and uninteresting fantasy which was rubbish and dull.’
Watership Down by Richard Adams
‘older children wouldn’t like it because its language was too difficult.’
On Sylvia Plath
‘There certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.’