826 Seattle needs volunteers

826 Seattle, a non-profit writing center for kids, needs a hand. Here’s where you can get your good karma and spend time listening to and observing kids. How many volunteer opportunities will actually improve your writing?

Drop-In Heroes Needed: Recent changes in semester and work schedules have pulled a number of volunteer tutors from our ranks and we are looking for new or reactivated tutors to join us in helping our incredibly grateful students at drop-in tutoring. Drop-in tutoring requires nothing but the following: a willingness to be adored by 1-5 (and possibly more) children, a yearning to encourage and co-navigate a variety of homework tasks, and a desire to make a weekly commitment to one (or more) 3 hour shifts on any day(s) Monday through Thursday, 3:00 – 6:00. Training and support are plentiful. Contact Kathleen at [email protected] to learn more.

Broadview Thomson In-School Tutors: True, the chairs are small but the satisfaction is huge! Tutors are needed on Wednesdays from about 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 to join Samar and a small crew that journeys weekly into 3rd grade classrooms at Broadview Thomson (Greenwood Ave. N & 130th) to support small groups of students during their writers workshop time. Tutors are there to encourage, read drafts, ask questions, connect with kids and support the teacher’s lesson. Contact Samar at [email protected] to learn more.

OST (Out of School Time) Broadview Thomson: If we build it, (and we bring it to them) they will come. Kathleen is looking for folks to join her at Broadview Thomson for abbreviated drop-in tutoring shifts during the second semester (Feb-Jun). 826 Seattle is piloting a satellite location at B-T to serve the homework and writing support needs of middle school students who participate in the OST program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Contact Kathleen at [email protected] to learn more.

Join The Beloved Field Trip Army: You will never feel more popular than you will when you join the field trip army. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m., 25+ students and their teacher and chaperones can be seen eagerly and excitedly waiting outside of the Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co.—want to know why? Then you better contact Kathleen at [email protected]. These fantastic field trip experiences could absolutely not be offered to our local school children without the two amazing teams of volunteers that deliver them—a variety of roles are available, either on Tuesdays or Thursdays, mentorship, training and fun is absolutely included!

Thanks to Brenda Winter Hansen for the info.

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