Our critique group coordinator Lois Brandt sends this along:
Children’s Writer is having a science writing contest. Deadline is February 27. These are great contests, free to subscribers. If you don’t subscribe the $13 reading fee with get you an eight month subscription to their excellent newsletter.
An article on a science topic for age 11, to 750 words. The emphasis in this contest is on finding a current subject and giving it a fresh angle. Delve into any of the “hard” sciences—chemistry, physics, biology, etc.—but avoid softer nature and environmental topics. Winners will be selected on subject choice, hook, angle, clarity, writing style, and reading excitement. Entries should be fun and informative. Publishability is the ultimate criterion.Entries must be received by February 27, 2010. Current subscribers to Children’s Writer enter free. For all others, the entry fee is $13, which includes an 8-month subscription. Winners will be announced in the July 2010 issue. Prizes: $250 for first place plus publication in Children’s Writer; $100 for second place; and $50 for third and fourth places.
Send to: Children’s Writer, Science Contest, 93 Long Ridge Road, West Redding, CT 06896.