Hey authors, here’s a chance to sign books and take part in a terrific event. Contact Mary Harris using the address below if you’re interested:
Kids Heart Authors Day was such a huge success last year that we’re going to do it again this year.
Mitali Perkins initiated the program last year–her plan was that on (or near) near Valentine’s Day area authors would commit to be at local bookstores to interact with kid readers/sign books, etc.
Mary Harris (Parkplace Books), Stesha Brandon (University Bookstores), Mary Kay Sneeringer (Edmonds Bookshop ), Mary Gleysteen ( Eagle Harbor Books), Suzanne Droppert ( Liberty Bay Books), Cheryl McKeon ( Third Place Books), Linda (Mockingbird Books), Tegan Tigani (Queen Anne Books), and Christy McDanold (Secret Garden Books) will be participating this year, which we are calling Kids Heart Books Day.
We are looking forward to local authors and illustrators signing up for one hour visits between 10 and noon, and 1 and 3 on Saturday, February 13. Some stores may want to hold their event on Sunday. We need you to make it work. Please contact Mary Harris as soon as possible (and before Jan 31) at [email protected] if you are able to participate in this love in for kids’ lit.