Books to benefit orphans in Africa

Here’s an opportunity to help via our colleague, Michele Torrey:

As many of you know, in 2007 I co-founded Orphans Africa (OA). Part of our mission is to educate some of the 2.5 million orphans in Tanzania, East Africa. On February 27, 2010, we are holding a benefit dinner and auction at the Liberty Theater in Puyallup to help raise funds for OA. These funds will go toward building a kitchen and dining hall and finishing construction on the dormitories for our Marilynn Primary and Nursery School. The dormitories will house 72 orphans, ages 3-12.

So, I’m pulling in any and all favors from all my dear writer-friends and asking you to please donate at least one signed copy of one of your books. I’d like to create book baskets according to age; the baskets will be auctioned to our guests. (Books for adults are fine, too! New books only, please.)

Please send books to: Michele Torrey, PO Box 1371, South Bend, WA 98586-1371. Please try to get them to me no later than February 10; if you want your donation listed in our evening program, I must receive them by the 1st of February.

You can read about my work in Tanzania by visiting my spankin’ new OA website! And I’d LOVE it if you’d come to the benefit! Consider this an official invitation! We’ll be auctioning such things as photo safaris in South Africa and vacations in Maui, as well as TONS of other cool stuff! For more info on the benefit, including how to order tickets, visit our OA Benefit Blog.

One thought on “Books to benefit orphans in Africa

  1. Wow! Thank you, Martha, for posting this! I just received three books in the mail today from someone who must have read this post. What a wonderful, heart-warming surprise. Thanks to all who've already contributed!


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