Here’s an invitation from Lois Brandt, our critique group coordinator:
A critique group is a meeting of professional writers or illustrators. (Professional doesn’t necessarily mean members are published, it means that group members are working hard on the craft of writing and/or illustration.)
Critique groups get together in-person or online to comment on each other’s work. Members give one another encouragement, offer ideas for revision, and may share marketing information as well.
Dozens of children’s writers and illustrators in the Western Washington region meet regularly in various critique groups. Many books and articles have been vetted through these informal, very professional, support groups.
Need help joining a critique group? Sign up with our SCBWI Western Washington Critique Group Coordinator, Lois Brandt. You can sign up at one of our monthly meetings, at our conference, or you can email Lois ([email protected]).
Lois will then provide you with enough information to pursue one of the options below.
1. Check out openings in existing critique groups. You will be given a list of critique groups with openings for either online or in-person critique.
2. Start a new critique group. You will also be given a list of other members in your area who are looking for groups. You can start either a local in-person group or a regional online group.
Still have questions about SCBWI critique groups? Please feel free to contact Lois ([email protected]).