Class: The Artist’s Way

Annie Gage sent this along, hospitably:

“Helped me get “unstuck” and on track in my creative ambitions” -Past Artist’s Way Student

February 8–April 26
Mondays, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Classes held in Fremont.

Students are required to purchase their own copy of the book The Artist’s Way

Kate Gavigan worked in social services as a trainer for over 10 years when she found herself drawn to the material in The Artist’s Way. She credits her mid-life career change (now working at her dream job as a PR Manager at a theater) to having gone through The Artist’s Way.

Carol Battistoni studied art as an undergraduate, which led her to study counseling psychology and expressive arts therapy. She currently works as a psychotherapist in Seattle and continues to explore the process of making art as a vehicle to knowing oneself more intimately.

TO REGISTER: Pay by check and send to Carol Battistoni, 4010 Stone Way North, Suite 200, Seattle 98103 or credit card via paypal at Carol’s website:

Questions: Contact Kate Gavigan at kateearth AT

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