The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award for 2010 will add a separate category for young-adult fiction. The winner will receive a publishing contract with Penguin, which includes a $15,000 advance. From Amazon:
If you’re an author with an unpublished or previously self-published novel waiting to be discovered, visit CreateSpace to learn more about the next Breakthrough Novel Award and sign up for regular updates on the contest. Open submissions for manuscripts will begin on January 25, 2010 through February 7, 2010.
See the official contest rules for more information on how to enter.
In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to this page for more updates from the contest team and join in discussions with new and returning writers in our author forum below.
Good luck, and be sure to let us know if you win!
Really looking forward to this one. I wanted to enter Delacorte's YA contest this year but all my stories right now are fantasy. Maybe one day I will enter the "realistic" world when it comes to my fiction but not right now.