I don’t know about you, but I’d sort of do anything Laurie Halse Anderson says to be able to write like she does:
Many people struggle to find a way to look at the larger picture of their novel. They can line edit a page or take a chapter to their writer’s group, but managing the unwieldy novel is hard.
Here is what I do.
1. Get the largest piece of paper you can find. I go to an art supply store and buy an enormous artist’s pad for this task.
2. You need to carve out three hours of concentration time. Turn off the internet and phone. Loan your dog and children and partner to nice people who will return them fed and watered after the the three hours. Chain off the driveway so delivery trucks and friendly people who don’t understand what you mean when you say “I’m working” can’t drop in.
3. On one of your massive sheets of paper, list every chapter in your book. Describe the action in the chapter in one sentence.