Bridget Zinn auction open

Bridget is the YA author who got an agent–and a cancer diagnosis–in the same month. The community is holding auctions to raise money for the many uncovered medical expenses.

Auction items can be viewed at – or just go to and use the Auction ID: bridget and Password: rules (as in: Bridget rules!!) .

You will need to create an account on the site in order to bid on auction items. (Creating an account simply requires your name, email address, and a password, and it is required so that the organizers can contact you if you win an item.)

The auction opened today with 59 items listed. More items will be added through today.

Good news for Bridget: her debut, POISON, just sold to Disney/Hyperion.

2 thoughts on “Bridget Zinn auction open

  1. I find some of the bids fairly appalling. Is there a polite way to remind people that the idea is to bid a lot — like MORE than the thing is worth — not to get a steal?!

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