Ooh! Jaime’s workspace, in video format. Enjoy!
See more of Jaime at her Cocoastomp blog and on Bound, her MSN Entertainment book blog.
by SCBWI Western Washington
Ooh! Jaime’s workspace, in video format. Enjoy!
See more of Jaime at her Cocoastomp blog and on Bound, her MSN Entertainment book blog.
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I loved your studio/video/readio tour, Jamie/Martha/Logan. It's o.k., puppy, that you didn't ham it up for the cam, you were doing your job, which is to hibernate. Jamie you are a genius: books by color! Zounds! Why didn't I think of that?
Jaime, I loved the tour and your studio, painted dresser, color organized books OilCloth covered table. And Logan, your office manager taking his coffee break.
I was struck by how many similarities we have… one of which is the History of Children's Books book you have by your computer. I keep my copy on the kitchen table. My breakfast companion, some days. I also have a "Do Not Despair" folder on my email. I sink fast too. And of course, a few dog beds. I love the jar idea. It is a very big jar… do you ever empty it out? How bout burning them on NY's eve.
I bet you hear this all the time, but will say it – I love listening to you talk. If you ever left your day job, you could be a radio personality. I'd tune in every day.
Ha, Wendy! Radio waves would fizzle and die if I got on there, even if I do have a face for the medium. I really like the jar. Burning stuff on NYE sounds like a plan. Or maybe on birthdays.
Ricardo, I think Adobe organized their books by color… or Pantone? Or both. I am not a genius. But if you don't move your house often, you can memorize what books are where by what colors. It is more fun than the alphabet, for sure.