This is probably most appropriate for writers of historical fiction and nonfiction, but who knows? It might be just the work space you need at the Seattle Public Library:
The Eulalie and Carlo Scandiuzzi Writers’ Room, located on Spiral 9 of the Central Library, is a program of the Washington Center for the Book. It has been established to encourage writers to make use of the collections in The Seattle Public Library and to give them a convenient place to work. Unfortunately it is not possible to offer space in the Writers’ Room to all patrons, but the Center will extend the pleasure and privilege of working in the Writers’ Room, on a rotating basis, to as many writers as possible. Admission
Admission to the Writers’ Room is for a period of six months, with the option of an additional six months if there is no waiting list. Admission is limited to:
- Writers currently under book contract to a publishing company; or
- Writers who can demonstrate a serious commitment to using the Library’s collections in the writing of an article, a thesis, or another creative work.
The Writers’ Room is available for use whenever the Central Library is open. Desks are available but are not assigned and should be cleared at the end of the day. Locker space may be requested. Writers may bring their own computers, store them in lockers or remove them at the end of the day.
Learn more and download the application here.