Bellingham Network Schmooze: Taking the dread out of the dreaded synopsis

Here’s the scoop on the next Bellingham Network Schmooze:

TOPIC: Taking the dread out of the dreaded synopsis
WHEN: December 1, 2009 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
RSVP: to the schmooze host, Mattie Wheeler: [email protected]
Directions: Mattie will respond to your RSVP with directions.

“Do you mean to tell me I must summarize my 50,000 word novel in 250 words? That’s impossible!” No, it’s not impossible, it’s a synopsis. Please join us at our next Bellingham Network Schmooze as we endeavor to help each other take the dread out of the dreaded synopsis.

What’s a Schmooze, you say? A Schmooze is a gathering of children’s writers and illustrators designed to share knowledge, great news, and companionship. They are free activities offered by the SCBWI WWA Bellingham Network. A Schmooze is a great place to meet local authors and illustrators – people like you who share your interests and goals. At a Schmooze, you’ll have the chance to network, make friends, and get connected. Occasionally guest speakers will be featured at a Schmooze, but usually they are meetings that are structured around discussions about various topics of interest to children’s writers and illustrators. A Schmooze is not a fix-it, nor is it a forum for critique, though critique groups can grow out of a Schmooze.

For more information contact Bellingham Network Coordinator, Kjersten Anna Hayes at [email protected].

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