Literary agent Anna Webman of Curtis Brown Ltd. wants to see your stuff! She has generously agreed to peruse the first five pages plus a synopsis of your YA novel. The details:
- This contest is for completed Young Adult novels only. (All the genres that fall under the YA umbrella.)
- The contest will open this Tuesday, November 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. (That’s 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.)
- You will need to submit the following: Your first five pages AND a single-spaced one-page synopsis.
- A free membership on the QueryTracker main site is required.
- Submissions will be accepted through the official form on the QT main site ONLY.
- Only one entry per person will be accepted.
- Due to the high word count of the materials being submitted, we will be capping the number of entries at 70.
Here’s the link announcing the contest. (Watch for a special post Tuesday morning with a link to the submission page, and then a post Tuesday evening announcing the contest’s opening.)