Look! An announcement from Jaime Temairik. Let’s all help get our favorite stores on the map. Read on:
Are you polishing your beanies for November 7th, National Bookstore Day?
Well MSN Entertainment is. There’s a bunch of new pages at the Bound blog dedicated to celebrating the best bookstores across the nation.
And we would LOVE to know what your favorite shoppe is!
Add your favorite bookstore by U.S. region, or if you are fancy, International. Signing up to add to the pages is totally free, you can even pick a super secret Username like The Secret Life of Martha Bees.
If you have any problems loading stuff you can email me at jaime at jaimetemairik dot com and I will walk you through it or do it for you!
I’m easy like that! And you can tell I set up the pages because I not only ask for the bookstore recommendation, but also a place to have a snack. Extra points if you can suggest a nearby cupcakery.
Click here to help Jaime and promote your favorite store at the same time. (On the left side of the page is a regional list of links. Click that to begin.)