NaNoWriMo starts Sunday

Lois Brandt sends this reminder: NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) begins Sunday, Nov. 1!

Hemingway chose 500 words a day, Ray Bradbury chose 1000 and Mark Twain chose 3000. Every author needs a word count goal. Why not write a novel in November at 1667 words a day? Sign up (it’s free) at

For SCBWI’ers participating in NaNoWriMo we have a free support group on Facebook. Come join us for advice, camaraderie, chat and (yes, it happens) a chance to gripe about novel writing.

Email Lois Brandt ([email protected]) or friend her on Facebook for more information about the support group or the NaNoWriMo process.

And don’t forget Molly Blaisdell’s Golden Coffee Cup starts the same day. It’s an alternative to NaNoWriMo for people who want to establish a clear goal, but maybe don’t want to sweat out an entire novel. More info here.

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