The new SCBWI site

Alice Pope has a dandy tour posted at her blog.

Some highlights:

The “Find A Speaker” page: Educators and librarians can now search for SCBWI members and even see video clips from classroom presentations. PAL members can click on “Speaker Profile” on their member home page to add video and information.

The Illustrator’s Gallery: Illustrator members of SCBWI no longer have to pay a separate service or web site to host an online portfolio. Just log in and click on “My Portfolio” to upload images. Once you’ve uploaded an image, your name will appear in the searchable index of SCBWI illustrators.
“Search Members”: Our old “Member roster” search has been given a much-needed 21st-century update. Click on “Search Members” in the upper right-hand corner of any page on the site, and you can find other members by name, email address, location, even book title.

Regional Home Pages: When you log in, click on the “Regional Chapter” icon and you’ll be taken to your Regional Home Page. This is sort of like a Facebook group page where you’ll be connected with all of the other members in your region. You can see the regional events that are upcoming, details for your next regional conference, and read the latest from your Regional Advisor’s news blog. You can quickly browse members in your region and send a message or a friend request. Connecting with other SCBWI members in your area has never been easier.

Be sure to read Alice’s post or hop on over to the site and play around with the new stuff.

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