Be sure to log in to and check out all the new features that continue to appear with the launch of their new website! (Note: your password may need to be all UPPERCASE to log in if you haven’t changed it since the new site launched.)
If you are an illustrator (or just want to browse some great artwork), check out the new Illustrator’s Gallery! To add your illustrations, just click “Manage My Profile” and then on “My Portfolio” on the left. (If you don’t see “My Portfolio”, it’s probably because SCBWI doesn’t know you’re an illustrator. Just modify your profile by checking the illustrator checkbox. Then try again.) Once you’ve uploaded images, your name will pop up in a search at the Illustrator’s Gallery, and others can see your portfolio online anytime. We hope to be seeing you there soon!
Also, the new Market Report is now available to SCBWI members. To view or print a copy of the new SCBWI Market Survey, log in as a member, then click on “Resource Library” > “SCBWI Publication Guide Online” > “Market Surveys”. There you can download a PDF file called “2009-2010 SCBWI Market Survey”.
And, as long as you’re logged in anyway… don’t forget to update the rest of your profile, including a photo and publication list!